In light of the incident last Sunday where belchucky harassed a party of people trying to level up in the last room of Heroes Hall, we (the usual players in HH) decided to compose an updated list of Party Rules.
1. 30 minute rule - this is the standard in most leveling places in kriya
2. Reserve lists will be refreshed every 6am in the morning. That means if you reserved for Monday but was not partied during that day, you would have to pm the party leader after 6am to be re-enlisted for Tuesday. All requests for re-enlistment will only be entertained after 6am. Reservations can be made via pm and SMS.
3. A player who gets disconnected from the game for more than 10 times within the span of one hour will no longer be partied and will be re-enlisted to the Reserve List.
4. A player has an option of handing a Reinforcement Slip to the party leader, that may be used in the event that his/her character wanders off to another room. This will also be the case for players who wish to be automatically resurrected. They would have to provide JOL's in order to be ressurected. JOL's and Reinforcement slips may be taken from the party leader if not used.
5. A player in the reserve list has only 15 minutes to reply to the party leader's private message. If he doesn't respond within 15 minutes, his/her slot will automatically be given to the player next in line. In the event that the player will be unavailable for a certain time, he may ask the PL to pm another character or miss call/SMS him/her.
6. If your character stops moving for more than 15 minutes you will be kicked from the party. You can ask for your slot back again if and only if you were able to reply to the PL 15 minutes after you were kicked.
7. Being a killer is not an excuse for killing slow. Being a player, it is your responsibility to stock up on potions that you might need.
8. All afk'ers should make it a point to be re-added every once in a while to ensure that the whole party would be functional in case the PL gets disconnected. If you won't be available please make sure you have auto join.
9. There will be no slot trading for players not in the reserve list. Only the player who was reserved can use the slot. However, a player can give his slot to a player if that player has been in the reserve list for over 3 hours.
10. If an unattended character ends up dead it will be immediately kicked and can only be invited back if he gets to message the PL within 30 minutes from being kicked.
11. Make it a point to be polite to Party Leaders. They watch over the party diligently while you get to relax. So cut them some slack.
I would be quick to note though, that the PL may not always be able to send you an SMS or miss call you. These rules have been agreed on by majority of the usual party members in HH. If the PL is different, these rules may not always apply. If you have comments and/or suggestions please feel free to post.
hi... very creative ha... anyways, im not sure if you already have one, but if ever you're interested, you can moderate a forum on Tantra and other related MMROPG games at my forum site . YOur ideas are most welcome. Good luck with your blog.
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